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VR4Skills Concluding Conference: Oct 3-4, 2024

Join us for the VR4Skills Concluding Conference at WSB University in Poland on October 3-4, 2024.

This conference will showcase the final outcomes of the VR4Skills project, which focuses on using Virtual Reality (VR) for skills training and leadership development.

The conference will include expert talks on VR in education, skill gap analysis, and discussions on how immersive technology can revolutionize international training programs. Participants will also have the opportunity to experience VR training sessions and network with educators and professionals working in internationalization.

Meet our experts:

  • Nina Turčin from DOBA Business School,
  • Ayşe Deniz Özkan from Istanbul Aydin University,
  • Karol Jędrasiak from WSB University,
  • Paweł Urgacz from WSB University.

Register here

Why you can't miss this:

  • Inspiring presentations by industry leaders
  • Keynotes sessions
  • Networking sessions with professionals and enthusiasts
  • Presentations of VR4Skills project outcomes and success stories

Click for full agenda