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VR4Skills Project consortium partner meeting

From 2-4 October 2023 all project partners met in Leuven, Belgium to discuss participant feedback on project development.

From 2-4 October 2023 all project partners met in Leuven, Belgium to discuss participant feedback on project development. In this three-day meeting, all our partners had the chance to sit together and:

  • discuss several topics of interest,
  • establish the theoretical framework for the training package,
  • check the progress of the VR4Skills training package  and evaluate it so far,
  • receive an introduction to virtual reality and had the chance to experience it,
  • discuss the design oft he possible virtual reality scenarios to be integrated in the training program,
  • clarify aspects that needed to be revised in relation to the organisation of the research project,
  • discuss budget-related topics and other administrative aspects,
  • establish the line of the coming working packages,
  • provide feedback on the project process.

The conclusion of this productive gathering from 2-4 October 2023 in Leuven, Belgium, marked a significant step forward for the VR4Skills project. As proud partner of this initiative, WSB University has been actively involved in shaping the course of the project.

During the three-day meeting, our dedicated partners engaged in fruitful discussions on various topics of interest. Together, we successfully established the theoretical framework for the upcoming training package, closely monitored the progress of VR4Skills, and evaluated its current status. The event provided an opportunity for everyone to gain insight into virtual reality and experience its potential first hand.