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Women's Day at the Silesian Medical Chamber - debate on femininity with the participation of the Rector of the WSB University

The role of women in various spheres of life, their struggles, the fight against discrimination and femininity - these were the leitmotifs of a discussion held as part of Women's Day with the Silesian Medical Chamber on Friday, 10 March. Female doctors and dentists from the cities of the Upper Silesian and Zagłębie Metropolitan Area were invited to the meeting.

The first part of the meeting was a panel discussion with the participation of:

Prof. Zdzisława Dacko-Pikiewicz - Rector of the WSB University,
Prof. Katarzyna Popiołek - Dean of the Faculty of SWPS in Katowice,
Ms Anna Krasuska-Terrillon - Honorary Consul of France in the Silesian Voivodship,
Prof. Jadwiga Jośko-Ochojska - internal medicine doctor, neurophysiologist, public health specialist,
Prof. Krzysztof Łęcki - sociologist, columnist, Institute of Sociology, University of Silesia,
Prof. Zygmunt Tobor - lawyer, Head of the Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Silesia.
The discussion was moderated by Rafał Sołtysek, Deputy President of the Regional Medical Council, and Piotr Biernat, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the 'Pro Medico' monthly.

The evening meeting concluded with a concert by Marcin Wyrostek and his band.