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WSB University is the leader of the ED-ON project

WSB University is the leader of the project "ED-ON: Intercultural Education in the Era of Distance Learning" financed under the Erasmus + Partnership for Digital Education Readiness Program.

Foundation for the Development of the Education System - the National Agency of the Erasmus + Program, on February 10th 2021 successfully approved WSB University application. WSB University has become a leader of an international project in which the partners are:

  • Fin Edu Consult Oy from Finland
  • Mykolo Romerio University from Lithuania
  • University of Ostrava in the Czech Republic

The overall goal of the project is to equip future and current teachers and students of pedagogy with tools and knowledge to work with migrant children. The implementation of the planned activities will contribute to the development of the competences of teachers who will counteract early leaving for students from disadvantaged groups, such as the families of refugees and economic migrants.