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WSB University joined the European University Association

WSB University has obtained a prestigious membership in the European University Association.


The membership application was approved by the EUA Council on January 29, 2021.


EUA is the largest organization representing universities in Europe. It associates over 850 institutions in 47 countries. The EUA works for the development of higher education in Europe and represents the education sector in social and political fora (eg European Commission, European Parliament) that determine the shape of regulations concerning the future of higher education.


For more information, please visit: http://www.eua.eu/

The membership application was approved by the EUA Council on January 29, 2021.

EUA is the largest organization representing universities in Europe. It associates over 850 institutions in 47 countries. The EUA works for the development of higher education in Europe and represents the education sector in social and political fora (eg European Commission, European Parliament) that determine the shape of regulations concerning the future of higher education.

For more information, please visit: http://www.eua.eu/