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WSB University research presented at global research conference

From 12 to 18 February, Joanna Kurowska-Pysz, Ph.D., Professor AWSB, participated in the third world academic conference 'Borders, Edges and Interfaces' organised by the Association of Borderland Studies and the event's partner, the Eilat Campus of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. The conference took place in Eilat, Israel, on the Israel-Jordan-Egypt border.

More than 250 representatives from all over the world participated in the conference, which is the most important cyclical academic event in the field of border and borderland studies. There were more than 100 plenary and thematic sessions, as well as debates and panel discussions.

During this conference, the thematic session: "Border Dynamics after COVID-19", Dr. Joanna Kurowska-Pysz, Prof. AWSB, presented the results of a study entitled. "The Changes in the Barriers to the European Cross-Border Educational Projects Supported by the INTERREG Programme - the COVID-19 Pandemic Effect", conducted by the Institute for Studies in Territorial and Inter-Organisational Cooperation of the WSB University in cooperation with partners from the TEIN network.

The conference also included study visits to the two border terminals of Eilat-Aqaba and Eilat - Taba. During them, information on Israel-Jordan and Israel-Egypt border traffic was presented, as well as the process of shaping the borders of these countries and the scope of trilateral cross-border cooperation.

Participation in the conference was also an opportunity to promote the international research agendas and scientific projects carried out by the WSB University's Institute for the Study of Territorial and Inter-organisational Cooperation, primarily in the development of a scientific school of research on cross-border project management.