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WSB University Tops in Internationalization in Poland

3rd place among all non-public universities in Poland, 24th place among all academic universities (public and non-public) and 1st place in the Internationalization category are this year's positions of the WSB University in the prestigious Ranking of Higher Education Institutions - Perspektywy 2024.

A significant success is the WSB University's promotion in the Ranking of Academic Schools - among all, more than 300. public and non-public universities in Poland with the right to confer a doctoral degree, the WSB University was ranked 24th in Poland - moving up 5 positions.

For another year, WSB University is the national leader in the Internationalization category, taking 1st place among all public and non-public universities in Poland.

Highly rated in this category were, among others, strategic partnership projects involving the University, academics from abroad, student exchanges conducted by the University, academic staff exchange programs, multiculturalism of the student community, students studying in foreign languages and foreign students.

The Perspektywy 2024 Ranking of Higher Education Institutions is one of the most prestigious rankings, being the first national ranking to receive the IREG Approved quality certificate, awarded by the international organization IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence, founded by a group of higher education ranking creators and analysts from around the world.

The correctness of the ranking is supervised by the Chapter, whose role is to determine the ranking methodology, supervise the ranking procedure, and approve and announce the results. The Chapter works under the chairmanship of Professor Michał Kleiber, former president of the Polish Academy of Sciences, chairman of the Polish Committee for UNESCO.

The gala ceremony announcing the results of the 25th Perspektywy 2024 Ranking of Higher Education Institutions was held at the Central House of Technology in Warsaw. Detailed information on the ranking can be found at: 2024.ranking.perspectives.pl/

Over the course of almost 30 years, the University has promoted a total of more than 60,000 graduates. Currently, the WSB Academy educates more than 14,000 students, doctoral students, postgraduate students and doctoral seminar students.

WSB University's excellent position in the Perspektywy 2024 Ranking of Higher Education Institutions is due to the great commitment of the University's authorities, lecturers and staff, as well as the unflagging ambitions of Our Students.

Thank you!