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WSB University's spring sports season

Fighting for medals, competing and having fun are all parts of the WSB University Sports Project. The WSB University Sports Association invites you to participate in spring football, crossminton and rowing ergometer tournaments. The events will be realised as part of the WSB University Sport project, which is co-financed from funds from the state budget as part of the Ministry of Education and Science's programme "Social Responsibility of Science".

Secondary schools - 22 April 2023 / entries by 15 April 2023.
Primary schools - 13 May 2023 / entries by 06 May 2023.
Adults - 27 May 2023 / entries by 20 May 2023.
All matches will be played on the Orlik pitch of the DG ZS No. 2, 24 Piłsudskiego Street in Dąbrowa Górnicza.

AWSB CUP in rowing ergometer
Youth - 31 May 2023 16:30 - 20:00 / entries by 24 May 2023.
Adults - 26 May 2023 16:30 - 20:00 / entries by 19 May 2023.
The competition will be held at WSB University in Dąbrowa Górnicza.

AWSB CUP in crossminton
Seniors - 03 June 2023 10:00 - 14:00 / entries by 27 May 2023.
The competition will take place on the premises of the WSB University in Będzin (14 Krakowska Street).

Applications for all tournaments:

Maciej Sadowski: msadowski@wsb.edu.pl
Karol Król: kkrol@wsb.edu.pl
Magdalena Stawowy: mstawowy@wsb.edu.pl