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WSBU - a signatory to the document Magna Charta Universitatum

The WSB University - expressing its respect for academic values - has officially become a signatory to the Magna Charta Universitatum. The signing took place during the conference 'Universities engaging with Society in Turbulent Times' held from 14-16 September this year at the University of Bologna, one of the oldest centres of science and higher education in the world. During the ceremony, almost 100 delegations representing dozens of universities from all over the world, led by the Rector of the University of Bologna and the President of the Magna Charta Observatory, signed the Magna Charta Universitatum 2020. On behalf of the WSB Academy, Dr Katarzyna Szczepańska-Woszczyna, the Vice-Rector for Science and Education, affixed the symbolic signature.

Magna Charta Universitatum is one of the most important documents of the scientific community, containing the principles of academic freedom and institutional autonomy. In the global university community, this document is referred to as the standard for belonging to an international community sharing the same academic values and goals. The Magna Charta Universitatum document was created in 1988 at the University of Bologna, during the 900th anniversary celebrations of the oldest university in Europe, and was signed at the time by the 388 rectors gathered for the ceremony. More than 900 universities from 88 countries have now become signatories to Magna Charta Universitatum.