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X National Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students

On 12-13 May 2023, the 10th anniversary All-Poland Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students in the series 'Paradigms of Contemporary Organisational Management' took place.

The conference was inaugurated by:

  • Prof. Łukasz Sułkowski, Ph.D., Pro-rector for Scientific Research and Personnel Development of WSB University,
  • Prof. Dr. Marek Lisiński, Chairman of the Scientific Discipline Council for Management Science and Quality, Head of the Doctoral School at WSB University.

The inaugural lecture for PhD students entitled. 'Will artificial intelligence dominate management and to what extent? The key issue of the digital paradigm in management and quality sciences" was delivered by Prof. Bogdan Nogalski, PhD, followed by a lecture entitled "Research methodology in management using digital tools" presented by Prof. Łukasz Sułkowski, PhD.

The lecture part was followed by two workshop sessions, during which doctoral students presented their prepared research papers. The papers were then evaluated by reviewers, among whom were:

  • Prof. Zbigniew Makieła, Ph,
  • Justyna Bugaj, Ph.D., AWSB prof,
  • dr hab. Joanna Dzieńdziora, prof. AWSB,
  • Liliana Hawrysz, D. Sc,
  • Łukasz Wróblewski, Ph.D., AWSB prof,
  • Janusz Zawiła-Niedźwiecki, Ph.D., Professor at PW.

The second day of the conference consisted of methodological workshops conducted simultaneously in two sessions - morning and afternoon. Doctoral students, depending on the stage of advancement of their dissertations, were able to take part in workshops conducted by:

  • Prof. Łukasz Sułkowski, Ph.D. - "Qualitative Research Methods in Management and Quality Sciences" and "Scientific work using AI (LLM)",
  • Prof. Dr. Marek Lisiński - "Formal, content-related and methodological requirements for effective writing of a doctoral thesis",
  • dr hab. Justyna Bugaj, prof. AWSB - "Building a personal brand of a scientist",
  • Katarzyna Czernek-Marszałek, Ph.D., Professor of the EU - "Publishing scientific texts using qualitative research (workshop from the perspective of an editor of the Elsevier journal),"
  • dr hab. Regina Lenart-Gansiniec, prof. UJ - 'Databases and retrieval of scientific information',
  • Łukasz Wróblewski, Ph.D., Prof. AWSB - "How to prepare a scientific article and get it published",
  • dr hab. inż. Janusz Zawiła-Niedźwiecki, prof. PW - "Formulating a research problem in a doctoral dissertation".

As part of the workshop conducted by the Head of the Doctoral School, Prof. Marek Lisiński, a panel discussion was held with the participation of WSB University graduates - PhD students, who talked about their experiences related to preparing a doctoral dissertation, conducting research and publicly defending a doctoral dissertation. The conference proceedings were concluded with a valuable discussion on problems, experiences and challenges in the process of writing a doctoral dissertation in the opinion of young scientists.