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XVIII European KAIZEN™ Congress

More than 500 practitioners and enthusiasts attended the 18th European KAIZEN™ Congress on 20 April, organised by Kaizen Institute Poland and WSB University.
Participants in the event learned how market-leading companies in retail, continuous processes and discrete manufacturing are dealing with KAIZENTM Transformation. And all this with real, interesting case-studies, data, figures, facts and world-class experts.

The event was opened by the hosts and originators of the event:

Mariusz Bryke - Managing Director of Kaizen Institute Poland
dr hab. Marcin Lis, prof. AWSB - Prorector for Students and Community Relations of WSB University
Next, representatives of Strategic Partners took the floor:
dr Janusz Michałek - President of the Board, Katowicka Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna S.A.
Marek Zychla - President of the Board, Silesian Union of Employers Lewiatan
Tomasz Zjawiony - President, Regional Chamber of Commerce in Katowice
Introduction to KAIZENTM Transformation delivered by:
António Costa - CEO, Kaizen Institute Ltd.

Realistic interesting case-studies, were presented by experts including:
António Costa - CEO, Kaizen Institute Ltd.
Aleix Borrego - Managing Director, Kaizen Institute Poland
Raquel Passos Miranda - Sustainability & Continuous Improvement Director, Colep
Daniel Mendes - Partner, Director of Retail Consulting, Kaizen Institute Western Europe
Piotr Górski - Composite Process Improvement Manager, Roca Polska
Milena Mioduszewska - Production and Production Planning Manager, Dr Oetker
Ewelina Timofijewicz - Waśniowska - Vice President, Hutchinson
Krzysztof Morgała - Productivity Manager, Roca Polska
Tomasz Maleszka - Managing Director, Kion Polska
Sylwia Kruczyńska - Lean Manufacturing Expert, Amiblu Poland
Ryszard Budniok - Quality Manager, William Hughes Group
Łukasz Górecki - Director, Silesia Automotive & Advanced Manufacturing Cluster

The Organising Committee consisted of:
Aurelia Ścibisz - Project and Outreach Specialist, WSB University
Karolina Warat - Administration Specialist, Event Organisation Expert, WSB University
Andrzej Kaszubski - Marketing Director, WSB University
Michał Łyczak - Communication and PR Director, WSB University
Łukasz Kusznierski - Video and podcast specialist, WSB University
Kamil Wygasz - Audio-video technician, WSB University
Marta Kanus - Managing Consultant, Kaizen Institute Poland
Aleksandra Kapinos - Project Coordinator, Kaizen Institute Poland
Patrycja Wójcik - Project Coordinator, Kaizen Institute Poland