The WSB University has launched the new project supported by the International Visegrad Fund: 'Forecasting factors influencing climatic changes as a part of Sustainable Development Goals 2030'.
Together with partners from Ukraine, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, as well as researchers from Hungary, researchers from the WSB University will develop a methodology for an integrated assessment of the potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the Visegrad Group countries and Ukraine. In particular, the topic of household waste reduction will be included in the project.
The first activity that took place as part of the project was a Round Table organised in a remote format on 8 December 2023, during which research on the existing environmental situation and climate change in recent years (2018-2023) was presented. Data obtained from the relevant national ministries were presented, with a special focus on areas that require immediate action on climate change (e.g. waste management, air, water, soil protection), thereby identifying the specific drivers of climate change in each of the participating countries.
The project will also include a number of other international online activities, workshops for local people, seminars for students or scientific articles.

The project was supported by the International Visegrad Fund.