On 11-15 December, a study visit of all Partners of the project 'MentUwell - Preserving youth mental wellbeing in wartime migration crisis' took place in Helsinki.
This was the second international meeting of all the partners involved in the project after the first one in Padua in September. Both visits were aimed at learning about the legal basis, system solutions, tools and good practices of direct work with migrants.
In Helsinki, the visit participants attended meetings with representatives of governmental institutions and NGOs. Interviews and discussions were held with people working directly with migrants and coordinators of assistance projects for people seeking to stay in Finland. There was also an opportunity to talk to the beneficiaries themselves - migrants who have settled in Finland and who are now involved in helping others in need of support in their new life situation.
The visit to Finland was also an opportunity to design the last of the project's planned visits - to Austria - and to discuss joint research and the creation of a universal methodology for working with migrants, with a particular focus on young war refugees from Ukraine - which is a main goal of the project.