

V Academic Quality Forum - summary

More than 200 participants from dozens of Polish universities, high schools, business organizations and methodological centers listened to lectures by the best practitioners in the field of education and the use of the latest technology in academic education. The 5th edition of the Academic Quality Forum was behind us. Education of the future - trends, technology, good practices.

The Academic Quality Forum is an initiative of the WSB University to present the best Polish and foreign practices in improving the quality of education at universities.

The first day of the Forum began with a panel discussion "Digital University - Challenges, Barriers, Future Scenarios," which was moderated by Dr. Sabina Ratajczak, Vice-Rector for Development at the WSB University. Panel participants:

  • Prof. Paweł Poszytek - Director General of the Foundation for the Development of the Education System, Director of the National Agency of the Erasmus+ Program and the European Solidarity Corps,
  • Prof. Łukasz Sułkowski - Vice-Rector for Research and Staff Development of the WSB University,
  • Dr. Krzysztof Wojewodzic - President of Escola S.A.,
  • Małgorzata Lelińska - Coordinator of the work of the EdTech Council of the Lewiatan Confederation.

The second part of the Forum included presentations by experts:

"Micro-experiences as a tool for building a culture of Lifelong learning in the university". - Prof. Dorota Piotrowska,

"Mainstreaming the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at universities" - Prof. Petra Molthan-Hill, Nottingham Trent University in the Great