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WSB University CEEMAN IQA accredited institution

The WSB University awarded with the international accreditation for the quality of education – CEEMAN IQA Accreditation


Two years jubilee of the project „PERFECT – Regional Initiative of Excellence at WSB University” and the activities of Research Institute on Territorial and Inter-Organizational Cooperation

On the occasion of two years anniversary of the project „PERFECT – Regional Initiative of Excellence at WSB University” and the activity of...


Review of the book „Cultural Management: From Theory to Practice” published in the renowned British scientific journal „Cultural Trends”

A review of the book Cultural Management: From Theory to Practice by: Łukasz Wróblewski, PhD – Head of the Department of Management and Production...


Announcement of publication in Routledge

In December, the renowned British publishing house Routledge will publish a book written by Katarzyna Szczepańska-Woszczyna – Associate Professor...


Workshop with editors of the Academy of Management Journal

On November 16, 2020 a workshop with editors of the Academy of Management Journal, titled: „Publishing in highly ranked scientific journals- worksh...


IN SITU Social Innovation Hub operations in Poland

In spite of risks related to pandemic, WSB University (AWSB) started the first meetings with the participants of IN SITU trainings. All activities...


New issue of „Forum Scientiae Oeconomia”

A new issue of the journal „Forum Scientiae Oeconomia” (included in the Scopus database in May) was published In September.


„Project Management in Public Administration. The Case of Metropolis GZM”, edited by K. Zamasz, K. Mucha-Kuś

The Publishing House Adam Marszałek has published a monograph Project Management in Public Administration. The Case of Metropolis G...


International Conference „Territorial and Inter-Organizational Cooperation’2020″

Researchers and practitioners dealing with multidimensional territorial and inter-organizational cooperation met on 23-24.09.2020 in Brenna for the...


International online meeting of the INTRIDE project consortium

On July 28, 2020, representatives of the INTRIDE project partners met on online conference to present the results of research conducted in the...


The INTRIDE project – a report of research conducted with traditional manufacturers to define the key competences of university graduates entering the labor market, with particular emphasis on the post-pandemic reality.

The INTRIDE project – a report of research conducted with traditional manufacturers to define the key competences of university graduates entering...