

Kick-off meeting of joint V4 project of Q-Helix researchers from WSBU, TUL and UNIPO who transfer knowledge on cross-border research to Ukraine

On 24 and 25 October, 2024 the methodological seminar on cross-border research started the international scientific project № 22410100, titled: “CBC IN UKRAINE AND V4: IN THE SEARCH FOR EXAMPLES OF BEST PRACTICE” and financed by the Visegrad Fund.

Parts of the seminar were presentations of scholars who represent Q-Helix Alliance:

  • Martin Lacny, Presov University, Slovak Republic
    In search for examples of the CBC best practice - a possible inspiration from the CBCED research methodology
  • Joanna Kurowska-Pysz, WSB University in Dąbrowa Górnicza Poland
    Designing of the touristic cross-border functional area - the Polish-Lithuanian case
  • Hynek Böhm, Artur Bohac TUL, Czech Republic
    CBC as an instrument to mitigate disputes on the lignite coalmine Turów example

The project aims to share knowledge and best practices for designing solutions for cross-border planning and multi-level territorial governance on borderlands. The leader of this project is Uzhhorod National University (Ukraine) and the partners are: University of Presov (Slovak Republic), WSB University (Poland), Technical University of Liberec (Czech Republic) and Central European Service for Cross Border Initiatives (Hungary).

More information about the project