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National Scholarship Program of the Slovak Republic

The National Scholarship Program of the Slovak Republic aims to support the mobility of foreign female students, doctoral students, teachers, academics, scientists and artists by encouraging them to stay at universities and research institutions in Slovakia.

Scholarships are also intended for female students, doctoral candidates and postdoctoral fellows permanently residing at Slovak universities and research institutions. These individuals are awarded stipends to cover living expenses for the duration of a study or research stay during their second degree, a study or research stay/artistic residency during their doctoral studies, or a post-doctoral research stay at a foreign university or research unit of their choice.


The application deadline is April 30, 2024 at 4 pm.


Scholarship applications can be submitted online via www.stipendia.sk or www.scholarships.sk 


Silvia Lipovska, e-mail: nspforeign2@saia.sk - for female students and doctoral candidates;

Ondrej Aradsky, e-mail: nspforeign@saia.sk - for female teachers, academics, research workers and artists.


For more information, visit: https://www.stipendia.sk and www.scholarships.sk