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BSIS Impact Certificate for WSB University

WSB University in Dąbrowa Górnicza has been awarded the prestigious Business School Impact System (BSIS IMPACT) certificate.

WSB University in Dąbrowa Górnicza has been awarded the Business School Impact System (BSIS IMPACT) certificate, which is a confirmation of our university's impact on the socio-economic environment and its important role in shaping social responsibility.

WSB University is the fourth university in Poland to receive the BSIS certificate (Leon Kozminski Academy, Warsaw School of Economics, Poznan University of Economics). The WSB University's impact on the region was evaluated on the basis of 120 indicators in 7 key areas: financial, educational, economic, social, scientific, and the University's impact on building and strengthening the region's image at home and abroad. The WSB University's cooperation with business partners, provincial authorities, the city of Dabrowa Górnicza, employers' organizations and NGOs was rated very highly by the experts. Thanks to the high practical relevance of the educational programs, graduates of WSB University find employment faster than graduates of other universities, which is confirmed by the reports of the National System for Monitoring the Economic Fate of Graduates.

In addition, the experts emphasized that effective cooperation with partners allows us not only to adapt our curricula to the current needs of the labor market, but also to create unique educational offers, such as MBA studies for the uniformed services.

In addition, the experts recognized the WSB University for its commitment to promoting diversity, equality and sustainable development, as well as for its commitment to social responsibility.