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Open lecture by Prof. Marian Noga

On Thursday, 15 June, the WSB University hosted an open lecture by Professor Marian Noga entitled 'Perspective on the Polish economy. Fundamental decisions of the government after the elections".

Participants were welcomed by Dr Marcin Lis, Prof. AWSB, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Student and Community Relations at WSB University.


Guests attending the lecture included:

  • Dr Jerzy Podsiadło - President of the Katowice Branch of the Polish Economic Society,
  • Wiktor Pawlik - President of the Regional Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Gliwice.

During his lecture, Prof. Marian Noga indicated the priorities and plans which should be undertaken in order to stimulate economic growth, infrastructural investments and improve the conditions for entrepreneurs, bearing in mind the long-term development of the country.

The meeting was initiated as part of cooperation between WSB University, PTE Katowice Branch and the Regional Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Gliwice.