The project implementation deadline: 09.2020 – 07.2021
    Project value: € 26,870.00
    Research team: dr inż Iwona Krzyżewska, dr inż. Paweł Sobczak, mgr Jakub Stęchły (PhD candidate), Rafał Kotarba (WSB University student), Arkadiusz Stanik (WSB University student). 


    • WSB Academy (Poland),
    • VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic),
    • University of Zilina (Slovakia),
    • College of Entrepreneurship and Law (Czech Republic),
    • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem (Czech Republic),
    • Regional Chamber of Commerce Moravia – Silesia (Czech Republic),
    • Department of Energy Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary),
    • Zala County Government (Hungary),
    • Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Infrastructure and Environment (Poland),
    • Budapest Business School, Zalaegerszeg Faculty of Business Administration (Hungary).

    The project continues EU strategy – Clean Energy Education and Energy Intensification (C3E) Initiative, launched in 2010. C3E was born on the basis that ideas and talents of all members of society are central to our future clean energy challenges. Women make up significantly less than half of the workforce in the STEM and clean energy sector. The project focus on the interdisciplinary impact of energy consumption, including its accumulation, environmental impact and human life. The project’s objectives eliminate the gap in research between women and men and increase female participation and leadership in these areas. Currently, most of the impacts in a given area are „decentralized”, e.g. in the research or educational sector. The project is trying to link this, including the often mentioned impact of involving women and young workers at the start of their work in energy related activities. The activities mentioned in the project contain all elements of incentives and information activities: contests, popularization and presentation activities, or mentoring.

    The project implementation deadline: 01/11/2017 – 30/06/2018.
    Project value: € 10,360.00

    1. WSB University (LEADER),
    2. INNOSKART Business Development Nonprofit Ltd. (Cluster – Hungary),
    3. Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry Žilina Regional Chamber (Chamber of Commerce – Slovakia),
    4. The Union for the Development of the Moravian Silesian Region (Regional Development Agency – Czech Republic).

    The WSB University was a project leader that involved the internationalization of Start-ups in the Visegrad countries based on smart specializations common to this region.
    The project built strong links between Start-ups, SMEs, NGOs and local authorities interested in international cooperation (in the Visegrad region) in the area of Smart Specializations. In the first phase, common smart specializations for the countries of the Visegrad region were identified, described and published in the form of Maps (during international workshops in Poland with the participation of national experts and project partners – November 2017). Then, during 4 regional workshops (SK, CZR, HU, PL), the results of research and scientific work were presented among local researchers and stakeholders, i.e. start-ups, SMEs, NGOs and local authorities. The result of the project is the Visegrad Networking Database available at:

    PROJECT TITLE: „V4 & I4”
    The project implementation deadline: 01/09/2017 -30/04/2018.
    Project value: EUR 10,750.00

    1. INNOSKART Business Development Nonprofit Ltd. – Hungary (Leader),
    2. WSB University (Poland),
    3. You too in IT (Slovakia),
    4. DEX Innovation Center (Czech Republic).

    The project aimed to promote issues related to Industry 4.0. As part of the project, 4 regional workshops with stakeholders were organized, with the participation of national and international experts on the opportunities and challenges arising from the new stage of the industrial revolution. The final international conference in Budapest allowed Partners to meet with leading international experts in this field. On 10.01.2018, the WSB University, together with partners from the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia, organized international training and practical workshops whose guiding principles were the challenges and opportunities of Industry 4.0. and the Makers’ Movement in the Visegrad countries. Students could listen to a lecture on automation and data exchange in production technologies and take part in a workshop showing the brokerage movement as an alternative career path. Representatives of the academic community and representatives of Polish makers participated in an international online networking meeting. Guests of the meeting were representatives of: Innoskart ICT Cluster (Hungary), Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency (Hungary), Yoo too in IT (Slovakia), DEX Innovation Center (Czech Republic) as well as creators and activists FabLab Łódź, FabLab Bratislava, FabLab Budapest.

    Leader: INNOSKART – Hungarian partner
    Project budget: 10,000 euros,
    WSB budget: EUR 2,660 – refund
    Duration: from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016.

    The project focused on promoting international research, investment and development cooperation. Stakeholders had the opportunity to:

    • increase knowledge and experience (training),
    • exchange of good and bad practices (workshops),
    • promote new technologies (exhibitions),
    • support mutually in building new cooperation between entities focused on creating a global network (final conference).