by Katarzyna Szczepańska-Woszczyna

Competencies are a component of human capital and one of the most important assets of an enterprise. They play an important role in strengthening the position of the company in a competitive market. Investing in the development of competencies increases the organisation's ability to grow and compete through innovations. This book presents a multi-dimensional analysis of the relationship between managerial competencies and innovations. It analyses the role of a manager in a modern organisation, functions performed by managers, management styles and key challenges, including shaping behaviour in the process of managing change in an organisation, as well as an analysis of the structure of competencies, in particular managerial competencies, and the conditions of the process of forming managerial competencies.
Management Theory, Innovation and Organisation: A Model of Managerial Competencies illustrates the organisational conditions of innovativeness, which is the relationship between strategy, structure, organisational culture and leadership and knowledge management and innovation management. The developed model can undoubtedly be considered the author’s pioneering contribution to the studies of managerial competencies and innovativeness.
The book will be valuable to researchers, students, and managers in the fields of leadership, organizational studies, innovation management, and human resource management.
Table of Contents:
1. The manager in a traditional and modern organisation. 2. Managerial competencies as a subject of research. 3. Innovation and innovativeness. Determinants of the innovativeness of an organisation. 4. Managerial competencies and their impact on the innovativeness of an enterprise.
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