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Duty hours

The Electronic Examination Center is on duty from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. from Monday to Friday.

email address: centrum-egaminacyjne@wsb.edu.pl

phone number: +48 32 111 01 55

During examination sessions, employees of the Examination Center are also on duty during each exam, including weekends.


A detailed schedule of office hours during the exam session is provided below.

MON-FRI 8.00-16.00 (8.00am-4.00pm) and additionally:

02.12.2024          Mon       17:30-19:30

04.12.2024          Wed       17.30-18.40

06.12.2024          Fri          16.30-18.00

07.12.2024          Sat         16.30-19.30

08.12.2024          Sun         9.30-11.00; 12.30-14.00; 17.30-19.00