Anti Discrimination Policies

WSB University has an Internal Anti-Bullying and Anti-Discrimination Policy introduced by the Rector's Order No. 61/2017/2018 of 17.05.2018. This document applies to employees and is also a statement of principles of conduct towards the entire academic community.

It facilitates tolerance and respect for every human being in the spirit of humanist values regardless of age, gender, education, religious beliefs, political beliefs, state of health, disability, ethnicity, union affiliation and sexual orientation.

The University also has an Anti-Mobbing and Anti-Discrimination Committee and a Disciplinary Committee. The University endeavours to ensure that the working, learning and development environment is free from bullying, discrimination, intolerance and violence. The University undertakes information and education activities in this regard through organisational meetings with students admitted to the first year of study, at which the principles of the Anti-Bullying and Anti-Discrimination Policy are presented.

In order to improve communication with students, a procedure for dealing with complaints and requests has been introduced within the University's Internal Quality Assurance System, which sets out the rules for receiving and dealing with complaints and requests submitted by students, postgraduate students, research and teaching staff, administrative staff and others. Supervision and control in matters of complaints and applications is exercised by the Rector. Students are entitled to lodge complaints regarding, among other things, violation of their rights and interests, improper performance of duties by university employees, as well as to signal conflict situations arising in the course of the educational process. Complaints or information about conflict situations may be submitted in any form: written, oral or electronic. Written complaints and requests are accepted at the Rector's Office, the Dean's Office and the Office of the Centre for Postgraduate Studies and Training. The receipt and processing of complaints and applications is coordinated by the Rector's Office. The said office in particular: maintains a register of complaints and applications, keeps copies of complaints and applications and copies of the responses given to them. In practice, however, students most often lodge complaints or signal conflict situations to the Deans and Vice-Deans in charge of the course in which they are studying, either in person or through a group leader, a Student Government representative or a semester supervisor at the Dean's Office. Thanks to the relationships built with students, conflict situations are dealt with on an ongoing basis so as not to escalate conflicts. The detailed procedure for submitting complaints and requests is specified in the procedure of the University's Internal Educational Quality Assurance System.

The WSB University also has a Code of Ethics for WSBU Employees and a Code of Ethics for WSBU Students, which are a compilation of ethical, moral and professional principles and values that should be followed by every employee and student of the WSB University.

We kindly ask you to apply the provisions of the Code of Ethics and the Internal Anti-Bullying and Anti-Discrimination Policy and make sure that the WSB University is an organisation free of such phenomena and behaviour.

The person authorised to accept complaints concerning the phenomena of mobbing and discrimination is dr Włodzimierz Sroka, professor WSBU.