Equal access university

WSB University works hard to provide the best services for all its students, employees and guests. Investing in the infrastructure and general development while keeping to the Sustainable Development Goals as a guide.
WSBU is hard set to make sure that our campuses are for all. 
The classrooms are easily accessible by a wheelchair, with numerous elevators available for use. All the bathrooms are equipped just as well. 

  • Headquarters

    Headquarters in Dąbrowa Górnicza - 3rd floor, room 420
    Headquarters in Cieszyn - Dean's Office
    For easier access we suggest email as a medium of correspondence.

    Agnieszka Szostak - Plenipotentiary for People with Disabilities
    E-mail: aszostak@wsb.edu.pl
    Phone: 32 295 93 25
    Available every Tuesday between 8.00 am - 4.00 pm

    Sebastian Gęgotek - Accessibility Specialist
    E-mail: sgegotek@wsb.edu.pl
    Phone: 32 295 93 83
    8.00 am - 4.00 pm

    Ewa Cofur-Machura - Accessibility Specialist
    E-mail: ecofurmachura@wsb.edu.pl
    Phone: 32 295 93 83
    Mondays - Fridays: 8.00 am - 3.00 pm

Comprehensive support for students with disabilities

  • Individualisation of education - adapting the conditions of education in the didactic and organisational dimension to the individual needs of persons with various types of disabilities
  • Employing a disability officer and creating an accessibility position to provide day-to-day support for students with disabilities
  • Employment of assistants for persons with disabilities
  • Additional sports activities
  • English language classes
  • Therapeutic and psychological support
  • Adaptation of teaching materials
  • Sign language interpreter
  • Employment of a personal and vocational counsellor

Learning materials

  • Assistance in acquiring teaching materials necessary for studying
  • Adaptation of learning materials used in classes, credits and examinations, provided in standard form, to the individual needs of the student, using an alternative form of data recording

Changing the form examinations

  • Extending the duration of a needed credit or examination
  • The use of additional technical devices Application of an alternative form of data recording
  • Changing from written to oral or from oral to written examinations
  • Inclusion of third parties in the examination, e.g. sign language interpreters, transcribers and/or readers
  • General Information

    WSB University has started the project:
    "Efficient AWSB functioning model supporting people with disabilities".

    Implementation date: 01.11.2019 r. - 30.11.2023 r.
    Value: PLN 4,648,972.75.
    Project number: POWR.03.05.00-00-AO59/19

    The project is co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, under the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020, Priority Axis III. Higher education for economy and development, point 3.5 - Comprehensive programmes of higher education institutions.

    The main objective of the project is to develop a model for supporting people with disabilities at the basic (MINI), then intermediate (MIDI) level. The project envisages support for six areas relevant to persons with disabilities:

    • changes in the structure of the university, strengthening the Office of the Plenipotentiary for Persons with Disabilities,
    • development of a model and procedures to support people with disabilities,
    • adaptation of university buildings to the needs of people with disabilities,
    • purchase of equipment and software to meet the diverse needs of people with disabilities,
    • additional services supporting persons with disabilities,
    • training for the teaching, management and administrative staff of the university to gain knowledge and awareness of the needs of persons with disabilities.