Women at WSBU

Every day is a Womans Day

Gender equality policy is based on the assumption of an equal level of representation of women and men in high positions. The WSB University adheres to the principles of gender equality both in decision-making and managerial positions in the area of administration, as well as in scientific and management boards, recruitment committees and promotion committees. Taking into account the structure of employment in the organizational culture, attention should be paid to the high or very high rate of women's representation in administrative positions and the very high rate of women's representation in the group of people employed in key managerial positions.

As part of the study of the impact on scientific and research development resulting from the share of positions occupied by women in the WSB University, an analysis was carried out taking into account the percentage of employment, remuneration, as well as the role in research and development projects, research and service works and scientific publications. No employed or working person has so far declared any other affiliation due to gender.
As part of the employment analysis, a 64 percent share of women in employment broken down by gender was found. According to the current situation on the labor market, the structure of employment is polarized in groups of positions: division into groups of administrative employees and employees in research and teaching positions. In the case of work in administrative positions, the share of women is 85 percent, while in the case of research and teaching positions, the share of women is only 37 percent. The analysis of the participation of women in research and teaching teams showed a greater participation of men in the field of technical sciences, security sciences, and management and quality sciences. This proportion is equal in the discipline of pedagogy and in the discipline of health sciences. 

An analysis of the percentage share of gender in positions affecting the development of scientific and research teams was also carried out: the Rector's Office, Members of the Senate, Deans, Heads of Departments and participation in Scientific Discipline Councils. The analysis of employment in the highest decision-making positions showed a very high share of women. Her Magnificence Rector of the WSB University is also a woman — Assoc. Prof. Zdzisława Dacko-Pikiewicz, PhD. The Rector's Office consists of three women and two men, meeting the principles of equality in such a key area. The Senate is represented fully proportionally by gender (50-50%). Almost 64% of Vice-Deans and Coordinators of key units and branches of the University are women.

Every year WSB University holds numerous events both on campus and outside of it in order to adhere to the gender equality plan.
Below you can find some information about some of them.

Female Face of the Silesian Voivodeship

Female Face of the Silesian Voivodeship

On 12 April 2019, the "Female Face of the Silesian Voivodeship" of Dziennik Zachodni was settled at the International Congress Centre in Katowice. The Gala was attended by Dr Magdalena Kot-Radojewska, who, on behalf of the WSB University - a partner of the event - presented awards in one of the competition categories.

Daughters, Mothers, Mature Women and Senior Women from the region of Silesia, Zagłębie, Podbeskidzie and Częstochowa were awarded in varieous fields of their work. The prizes were presented to the winners of the individual categories by Women Rockettes - passionate and committed women, skilfully combining their professional and personal lives and inspiring others to action and supporting them on their way to success. This role fell to, among others, Dr Magdalena Kot-Radojewska, Deputy Director of the Centre for Postgraduate Studies and Recruitment at the WSB University.

Ambasadorki Przedsiębiorczości Kobiet - The Women's Entrepreneurship Embassy

Ambasadorki Przedsiębiorczości Kobiet - The Women's Entrepreneurship Embassy

The Women's Entrepreneurship Embassy is a non-profit organisation that has been operating since 2011. The idea for its creation is linked to the European Commission's initiative to launch the European Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors in 2009. Urszula Cioleszyńska's nomination as Ambassador of the European Network of Ambassadors for Women's Entrepreneurship in 2009 was the main impetus for the creation of the Women's Entrepreneurship Embassy Foundation. The founders, Urszula Cioleszyńska (current Chairwoman of the Foundation's Council) and Ewa Rurynkiewicz (current President of the Foundation's Board), decided to expand the project by creating and developing the Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors in Poland. The founders are taking action to transfer good models, systemic solutions and interesting initiatives successfully implemented in other European countries to Poland. The main objective of these activities is to improve the image of entrepreneurs and make it easier for women to run their own businesses.

WSBU Dean awarded the title of Charismatic Woman

WSBU Dean awarded the title of Charismatic Woman

On Monday, 20 March 2017, a conference summarising this year's edition of the Programme was held at the 'Bagatela' Theatre in Kraków. Charismatic Woman - the event that was attended by ladies who have their passions and turn their dreams into plans and consistently strive to make them a reality. Among the award winners was Prof. Katarzyna Szczepańska-Woszczyna, PhD, Prorector for Education and International Relations and Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences at WSB University.

WSB University is a woman!

WSB University is a woman!

On 3 March, from a meeting with students of the WSB Academy's Third Age University, we inaugurated a series of Women's Day initiatives! For the wonderful, not only female, audience we prepared, among others:

✅ A musical recital performed by Łukasz Szubski Pianist and Kunle Solomon Omogbemi

✅ Breast self-examination as part of breast cancer prevention

✅ Individual advice by a bra-fitter - professional bra sizing

✅ Sweet refreshments
