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TUITION FEE FROM 799 EUR per semester*
ADMISSION FEE 250 EUR**Payment Information Apply


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Internationally accreditted:


Opportunity of semester abroad with:

Bachelor in Engineering of Management - Logistics and Transport

Knowledge you acquire

  • Resource and process management in the enterprise at middle and senior management level
  • Applying technical knowledge in company management
  • Implementing integrated management and projects systems in the enterprise
  • Using modern information technologies supporting decision-making processes
  • Applying methods of forecasting and process simulation in the enterprise
  • Planning and control of service and production activity
  • Designing and modeling production processes
  • Integrating knowledge from various fields in order to make a comprehensive situation diagnosis.

During these studies, you will learn how to effectively combine areas associated with economic aspect of the company’s functioning with technical conditions of individual organizational processes.

Additionally, you will meet interesting people from the production and service industry - and perhaps your future employer - thanks to numerous study visits and meetings with practitioners, that we organize regularly during the period of studies.

You will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice thanks to individual and group projects, workshops and trainings,  and the cooperation of the WSB University with renowned companies such as FlexSim, Datacomp, GPP Business Park, SBF Polska PV, will enable you to learn the latest trends in the area of management engineering in various industries.

In addition to the subjects that shape typical engineering skills, we also took care of equipping graduates with competences that allow them to find themselves in the increasingly demanding labor market, as an example in the areas of business negotiations skills, methods of dealing with stress, working-time management, etc.

We also invite you to develop as a part of the ‘Hybryda’ scientific circle – its members have opportunity to participate in additional study visits and will get to know the available project and simulation programs.

Program curriculum

Selected basic content:

  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Operational research
  • Forecasting and simulations
  • Machine construction
  • Materials science
  • Mechanics
  • Basics of law.

Selected faculty content:

  • Basics of organization and management
  • Basics of marketing
  • Production processes and techniques
  • Process management
  • Quality management
  • Project management
  • Environmental management
  • Engineering design
  • ERP systems

Selected thematic scope within specialization:

  • Basics of traffic engineering
  • European transport policy
  • Transport – Forwarding - Logistics services market
  • Logistics of traffic flows
  • Modeling and optimization of transport flows
  • Logistics in  e-commerce / e – logistics of SAP solutions
  • Logistic customer service
  • Auditing quality management systems in transport
  • IT systems in logistics and transport

Our study program is regularly consulted with representatives of the business environment, so you can be sure that after graduating in Management Engineering, you will gain knowledge, skills and competences that are a guarantee of success on the labor market.

Practical education

At WSB University, we understand well that knowledge should go hand in hand with practice. Therefore, the majority of our teachers at Management Engineering faculty are people from economic practice.
We cooperate with the best – lectures, exercises, trainings and workshops are given here by representatives of companies such as FlexSim, Datacomp, GPP Business Park, SBF Polska PV and many others.
During regular meetings with the practitioner, you will be able to personally meet and talk to interesting people who will talk about their work with passion.

Graduates of the Logistics and Transport specialization are prepared to work in production companies in the field of the supply coordination and distribution of goods, in logistics companies, in wholesalers and various types of commercial enterprises as coordinators of the flow of goods from the producer to the market, in large retail chains, in regional and central warehouses, in logistics and distribution centers, and as entrepreneurs running logistics and transport companies.