
  • Applying for a refund? Please read the following carefully before proceeding:

    Who is eligible for the refund?

    • Candidates who have a documented visa refusal from one of the Embassies of Poland (a scanned document with the official stamp from the embassy with the reason for the refusal) and the said document was obtained prior to the beginning of the academic year.
    • All other cases will be examined by our admission team. For that please reach out to

    How to apply for a refund?

    Firstly, you are kindly required to secure all the necessary documents which prove the validity of your refund request. Those documents should be:

    • slip from the embassy that your visa was refused/or written request for why you couldn’t proceed with the visa application.
    • scan of all pages of your passport as proof that you did not apply for a visa based on the documents issued by WSBU.
    • filled-in forms attached below.

      All documents need to be in English/Polish, clearly visible, and filled out in capital letters in order to avoid mistakes in names and surnames, bank account numbers, etc., or filled in online. 

    Your next move would be to write to and send her an official email request for a refund together with all the documents mentioned above.

    Please bear in mind that due to international regulations the whole refund process can take up to 3 months during which your money should travel from our bank account to yours. The average time, however, is shorter and usually takes up to several weeks if no mistakes were made during the initial application.


    A student applying for a reimbursement of the tuition fee is obliged to present the decision on the Visa refusal within 14 days of receiving the decision. After the abovementioned period, the tuition fee is not refundable. 


    Please remember that all candidates who applied for a refund will be scratched from the list of potential students and the border control of the EU will be notified of the said fact, rendering the initial visa application to WSB University invalid.

    • Please bear in mind that the minute you decide to resign from studies you are obliged to notify the Dean's office about this by writing to: 




    Can I return the funds to a different bank account from the one used during payment?

    - Yes. You will need to provide us full required information of the owner of the said bank account and its details.


    If the lessons have begun and I still do not have a clear answer about my visa will it influence the chances of receiving my tuition fee back?

    - Yes, if you have signed the agreement and participated in the lectures refunds are no longer applicable or are limited. 


    Can my tuition fee be returned to the bank account of other students/my friends in WSBU?

    - Yes, this is possible. It should be done together with our Refund Assistant

    Do you have other questions? Please write to