TUITION FEE FROM 999 EUR per semester*
ADMISSION FEE 250 EUR**Payment Information Apply


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Internationally accreditted:


Opportunity of semester abroad with:

English in Management - English in E-Business

Knowledge you acquire

What will you learn?

  • communication in English in the business environment and the use of Business English,
  • principles obusiness communication, intercultural communication and negotiation, including simultaneous interpretation,
  • issues related to organizational structure and organizational culture, human resource management, organizational and legal forms of economic activity, marketing and advertising,
  • how to make presentations in English on various business issues, how to write business letters/e-mails in English and how to translate business contracts,
  • time management methods, cope with stress and burnout, and the psychological aspects of employee motivation,
  • the principles of planning innovative business projects, preparing a business plan and obtaining external funds for these projects,
  • the principles of teamwork and team communication and the specificity of intercultural teams,
  • how to influence customer behavior, marketing communication and market research  methods and marketing techniques.

English in Management is an innovative and interdisciplinary second-cycle program delivered entirely in English. English has become the main tool for working in international business, as well as the globalized world of the 21st century. At the same time, doing business in the cosmopolitan reality requires free understanding and communication in culturally diverse communities. In order to meet these challenges, English in Management focuses on the development of expert language and communication competencies, but above all, it integrates them into the program of modern management studies, equipping graduates with knowledge of organizational structure and organizational culture, human resource management, types of business entities, capital and investment market as well as finance, insurance, marketing and advertising, mergers and acquisitions, business ethics, corporate social responsibility, and leadership in business. The second-cycle program offers a range of invaluable competencies for both individual and team work in a modern business environment, based on proven market research methods and marketing techniques, project planning and fund acquisition strategies, organization of work, strengthening the role of motivation and reducing the impact of stress on work.

English in Management is a program delivered entirely in English, designed for people who want to improve their language skills and complement them with knowledge and skills related to management, marketing, doing business, work in international companies or negotiations. It combines communication issues in the business, international and intercultural environments with elements of linguistics and management, as well as specialized translation and simultaneous interpretation.

We teach practically

At WSB University we understand that knowledge should go hand in hand with practice. Therefore, the concept of education in the field of study of English in Management assumes a high degree of practicality based on the high competency of academic staff with both significant scientific achievements in the field of economic sciences, management and quality sciences, English philology and with practical professional experience gained in international organizations. Interdisciplinary education involves language education focused on the service of the business sphere, but also good preparation in theoretical disciplines related to management. During regular meetings with practitioners, you will be able to meet and talk to interesting people who talk passionately about their work and share their experience.