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TUITION FEE FROM 899 EUR per semester*
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Master in Management - Sustainability Development Manager


    If you value responsible resource management and believe that sustainable development in environmental, economic, and social dimensions is not just a trend but concrete competencies allowing you to save time, money, and material resources, then these studies are for you. During classes, you will deepen your knowledge and acquire practical skills in areas such as:

    • incorporating sustainable development issues into organizational strategy,

    • assessing organizations and managing them from a sustainable development perspective,

    • developing business models for sustainable development,

    • applying methodologies, standards, and approaches to project management in a sustainable manner,

    • collaborating with diverse stakeholder groups,

    • presenting data, as well as arguing for the benefits of sustainable development and negotiating compromises,

    • managing in accordance with principles of sustainable project management,

    • reporting on their environmental, societal, and economic impacts, in line with leading ESG reporting standards.


    Additionally, as a graduate, you will gain greater awareness of the need for ethical and professional conduct and will be open to expanding your knowledge and improving your competencies in the field of your specialization.

  • We teach practically

    Specialized classes at WSB University are conducted by experienced practitioners. As a result, students learn about current trends and the latest knowledge in the field of the Sustainability Development Manager specialization. In addition, the University regularly organizes so-called expert meetings, thus providing an opportunity to meet interesting people who passionately talk about their work.


    Sample topics of specialization subjects covered within the specialization include:

    • sustainable development in organizational management,

    • legal and regulatory requirements in the environmental, social, and economic areas,

    • communication and stakeholder expectation management, as well as risk management with consideration of sustainable elements,

    • monitoring and control with ESG reporting in mind,

    • IT support for project management and sustainable development technologies,

    • responsible service design - responsible and regenerative design,

    • smart cities, shaping sustainable spaces, and revitalization projects,

    • building partnerships for sustainable development,

    • eco-tourism and events (events).