Research Institute On Territorial and Inter-Organizational Cooperation

The Research Institute On Territorial and Inter-Organizational Cooperation at the WSB University is a research unit established in 2018, coordinating the collaborative activities of WSB University research faculty and foreign researchers representing about 40 academic centres, specializing in the issues of territorial and public management, cross-border cooperation and sustainable development. The Institute has an international team of didactic and scientific employees of the WSB University.

The Institute is developing Poland's only academic school of research on public management in cross-border cooperation processes within the 'Research Programme on Territorial and Inter-organisational Cooperation' which is financed, among others, by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The Institute is also involved in the implementation of international projects funded by the programs: Horizon 2020, Erasmus Plus or INTERREG Czech Republic-Poland, Poland-Slovakia and Interreg Central Europe.

The Institute's priorities are: interdisciplinary, international research groups and development of network cooperation with leading academic centres all over the world as well as intersectoral cooperation with local governments, public institutions, NGOs and entrepreneurs.

The main research topics carried out within the Institute include territorial and inter-organizational cooperation, sustainable development, knowledge and innovation management, cross-border and international project management, territorial governance and public management.