Komenda Wojewódzka Policji

"Police... let's create it together"

The police is a uniformed and armed force serving society and intended to protect people's safety and maintain public safety and order.

Service in the Police requires commitment, responsibility, honesty and a sense of mission. The willingness to help and empathy are important, but also the policeman's great mental resilience. We encounter stressful situations that pose a threat to life or health. However, the satisfaction from the tasks performed compensates for the disadvantages of the service. It is certainly an interesting job in which you can also find a place for yourself.

Who can become a policeman?

  • citizen of Poland,
  • of impeccable reputation,
  • who has not been convicted by a final court judgment of a crime or a fiscal offence,
  • enjoying full public rights,
  • having at least secondary education,
  • having the physical and mental ability to serve in armed formations subject to a special service discipline to which he is ready to submit,
  • providing a guarantee of confidentiality in accordance with the requirements specified in the provisions on the protection of classified information.
  • on the day of acceptance into service, have a regulated relationship with military service, if he is subject to military qualifications.

What we offer?

  • Stable and secure employment,
  • financial security, starting salary of approximately PLN 5,530 net* after completing vocational training
    (*for a person up to 26 years old)
  • pension rights after 25 years of service,
  • possibility of promotion in rank and position;
  • opportunity to improve professional qualifications;
  • possibility of professional development, including obtaining additional qualifications;
  • the opportunity to take advantage of a rich training offer, including obtaining first and second degree higher education (WSPol in Szczytno - information about Police);
  • favorable social conditions, including:

    - the so-called annual award thirteenth salary;
    - anniversary awards;
    - equivalent for uniforms - the so-called uniform;
    - annual subsidy for a policeman's rest depending on the number of family members;
    - reimbursement of travel costs from the place of residence to the place of duty,

  • annual paid leave of 26 working days;
  • additional leaves;
  • paid overtime;
  • installation allowance due in connection with your appointment as a policeman in permanent service in the amount of one month's basic salary - the so-called fourteen.

Selection for service continues!

All necessary information about recruitment can be found at slaska.policja.gov.pl. in the BECOME A POLICE OFFICE tab

Are you interested in serving in the Police? Take the first step and submit the required documents.

1. application for admission to police service,

2. personal questionnaire of the candidate for Police service,

3. copies of documents confirming the required education and professional qualifications and containing data on previous employment,

4. a copy of your driving license if you have the right to drive a vehicle, ID card, military booklet (if you are subject to military qualifications)

The necessary documents enabling the initiation of the qualification procedure can only be submitted in person to the personnel units of municipal and district headquarters (preferably at the place of residence). They can also be submitted to the Selection and Training Department of the Provincial Police Headquarters in Katowice.

If you have any questions, we are available at the following telephone numbers:

47 851 1702
47 851 1721
47 851 1722
47 851 1738
47 851 1791

We encourage you to follow and like our fanpages. Thanks to this, you will be able to get to know us better.

We are currently on social media platforms:

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Become a Silesian policeman


• Facebook

Become a Silesian policeman


• on the Facebook group

Become a Silesian policeman. Questions & Answers.
