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SCANFIL POLAND Sp. z o.o. – "LinkedIn zamiast CV - nie szukaj pracy, niech praca znajdzie Ciebie"

Training date: April 23, 2024 09:00-10:00

Form of implementation: online

Training in Polish



Training description:
Workshop participants will learn why LinkedIn can be a key tool in building their personal brand and gaining new professional opportunities. Instead of a traditional CV, you'll learn how to use your LinkedIn profiles to attract the attention of employers and recruiters. Get ready with practical tips on creating a professional profile and strategies for building your professional network. Let the job find you thanks to the powerful tool of LinkedIn!


Joanna Targońska, HR Specialist at Scanfil Poland Sp. z o. o. - I am passionate about HR in the area of Employer Branding, internal communication and recruitment. Social media is my passion. I created a training course on recruitment via Facebook, and I am currently conducting a series of training courses for managers and employees on using LinkedIn to build effective professional profiles.
I love experimenting and exploring new possibilities that social media offers. I build my personal brand by sharing knowledge from the HR industry.


Amiblu Poland Sp. z o.o. – "Zarządzanie projektami z wykorzystaniem podejścia Lean, Scrum i PDCA, czyli jak zwinnie realizować założone cele"

Training date: April 23, 2024 12:00-13:30

Form of implementation: online

Training in Polish


Training description:

During the training, project management methods will be presented in accordance with the approaches indicated in the title. During the training, the most important tools and tips on how to use them effectively in everyday work will be presented.

  • Amiblu company presentation,
  • theoretical introduction,
  • Discussion of individual tools and issues,
  • Practical examples/application of the approach in Amiblu,
  • Summary,
  • Questions & Answers


Sylwia Kruczyńska - I am a graduate of the Silesian University of Technology, majoring in Management and Production Engineering, specializing in Quality Engineering, and postgraduate studies in Purchasing Manager at the Warsaw School of Economics.

My adventure with lean began in 2005 and continues to this day. During this time, I worked as a Lean Project Coordinator, Production Planner, Logistics Leader, Production Manager and currently Lean Maufacturing Expert. Throughout this period, I participated in optimization projects in various areas - both production and administration.

Why do I deal with Lean? Lean is a powerful development opportunity. The experience gained so far has confirmed that lean is mainly about People - not tools. Although these are very important in themselves. Building a culture based on finding MUDA in the process and mutual respect

and continuous improvement offers enormous opportunities. It is a never-ending story whose success depends on us.


Passion HR – "Jak przygotować się do wejścia na rynek pracy?”

Training date: April 23, 2024 14:00-15:00

Form of implementation: online

Training in Polish


Training description:
Don't waste your time searching for a job for months. Get noticed and find a job you love! You can only make a first impression once, so make it a good one. We invite you to the training "How to prepare to enter the labor market"

During the training, I will tell you how to:

  • the current situation on the labor market and what does it mean for you;
  • how to effectively look for a job and get noticed;
  • How to prepare an attractive CV;
  • There will also be time to ask questions

See you at training!

Anna Pajęcka - graduate of the WSB University. He has been working at the PassionHR personnel consulting agency for 7 years. Recruiter, recruitment department manager, HR advisor, DISC trainer.
