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About the Job and Internship Fair

We invite you to participate in the 15th anniversary edition of the Job and Internship Fair

Date: 20.04.2024r. - 26.04.2024r.

Format: hybrid

Participation in the event is free for both Employers and Participants.

The Job and Internship Fair has been organized at the WSB University since 2005. The initiative is very successful each year and enjoys the interest of both fair visitors and Employers. Each year the event attracts an average of 40 employers and about 1,000 participants - students, graduates, postgraduate students, high school students and local residents. Participants of the Fair have the opportunity to take advantage of a wide range of training courses, workshops and simulated job interviews conducted by employers and take part in company presentations.

The previous edition of the WSB University Job Fair was attended by 30 Employers, who:

  • published 376 job, internship and apprenticeship offers,
  • conducted 19 training sessions and meetings with students,
  • carried out 11 simulated job interviews.

The event provides an opportunity for direct contact with candidates who match the company's expectations and recruitment requirements, as well as for the exchange of information and mutual expectations. Participation in the initiative provides Employers with an opportunity to promote job, internship and apprenticeship offers to participants of the Fair - in the previous edition the number was about 1,000 students and other job seekers. The undertaking allows Employers to give interesting lectures, conduct training sessions and simulate recruitment interviews, while promoting the company.

Forms of Employers' participation in the Fair:

Company's showcase and posting of internship and apprenticeship job offers on the WSB University website

  • Online workshops and trainings
  • Online simulations of job interviews
  • Meetings combined with a presentation of the company
  • Providing a quiz on the company and giving the Organizer advertising materials (gadgets), which will be used as prizes in the competition organized as part of the Fair