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25.04.2024 r.

Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy – "Poszukiwanie zatrudnienia na współczesnym rynku pracy”

Training date: April 25, 2024 09:00-10:00

Form of implementation: online

Training in Polish


Training description:

Success in finding a satisfying job depends primarily on your activity and the ability to determine individual stages of action. It is important to be aware of your professional interests and skills, and to decide in what field and position you want to work. The lecture will include information on how to find job offers and employers, basic principles of preparing application documents, talking to employers, and searching for a job online.


Magdalena Wrzecion - Career counselor with many years of experience, psychologist by education, certified trainer with experience in using various career counseling methods. She completed postgraduate studies in human resources management and mediation. He conducts individual counseling conversations using various diagnostic tools, and also conducts workshops and training for youth and adults. In his professional work, he is guided by curiosity about other people.


ALTEN - ,,Career Coching"

Date: 25.04.2024 - 10:00-11:00

Form of implementation: online

Training in English  




Agenda: Career Coaching:

ALTEN Group and ADC EE Introduction
Understanding the CV
Key Components
Formatting tips & trick
Job offers - things to consider
Interview - tips & trick
LinkedIn profile 

Barbara Sikora - I am a dedicated recruiter specializing in sourcing top engineering talent. With a keen eye for talent, I leverage various channels to identify potential candidates, ensuring a diverse and skilled pool of applicants. Through thorough interviews, I assess candidates' technical proficiency, relevant experience, and alignment with the organizational culture. My goal is to connect the right individuals with the right opportunities, fostering growth and success for both candidates and the organization.



CARBON ESTATE – "Wybór Ścieżki Zawodowej: Praca na Etacie vs. Prowadzenie Własnej Działalności Gospodarczej”

Training date: April 25, 2024 12:00-13:30

Form of implementation: online

Training in Polish



Justyna Pawlisz - owner of the RE/MAX CARBON real estate agency in Katowice, trainer of the DISK persolog®️ methodology and trainer at Sandler Training®️, Coach. Co-organizer of Silesian breakfasts for intermediaries in Katowice, enthusiast of networking meetings and "believer" of the theory: "Nothing is impossible."
On a daily basis, he deals with the development of his office and team by building awareness of the values that Agents bring to their lives and the lives of their clients.


Łukasz Ryba - agent and mentor of the RE/MAX CARBON real estate agency in Katowice, trainer of the DISK persolog®️ methodology, passionate about people and communication.


Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Dzieciom i Młodzieży "Dom Aniołów Stróżów – "Opanuj stres - doskonalenie umiejętności radzenia sobie z wyzwaniami w życiu i pracy”

training date: April 25, 2024 14:00-15:00

Form of implementation: online

Training in Polish


Training description:

The aim of this meeting is to equip participants of the 15th Job and Internship Fair with practical tools for effective stress management in everyday life and work. During the workshop, participants will be able to expand their awareness of stress mechanisms and learn how to effectively reduce and manage it. Sign up to discover how to control stress to achieve success in life and work!


Nina Kryston - expert in the field of management and development of human capital.
Over 25 years in business and 8 years of corporate managerial experience in the area of strategic HR, internal communication and development programs.

  • CoachWise Mentor and Change Coach
  • Assessor in AC/DC competence assessment processes
  • Trainer of the Psychosocial Skills Workshop
  • FRIS Trainer and Design Thinking Moderator
  • Author of talent programs