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Wykład otwarty: Comparative analysis / qualitative research in the social sciences

  • Data / Date: 22 kwietnia 2023 r. / 22 April 2023
  • Godzina / Time: 9:30 - 16.10
  • Formuła / Mode: online
  • Język / Language: Angielski / English


This course is intended as a comparative analysis of security policy at various levels and in various security sectors. The general theme of the module might be summarised as ‘from security policy to state action’. The goal of the course is to develop and strengthen students’ skills in understanding and analysis of various parts of comparison and analysis of security policies. A secondary goal of the course is to demonstrate how the comparative method and policy analysis are used within the research of security field.


This course provides students with the analytical skills to critically investigate the security policies of different countries in Europe and beyond. The first part of the module will introduce the academic field of policy analysis and familiarise students with its most important methods and theories. Specifically, the module will cover approaches to the international, state and individual level of analysis. It will unpack the process of security policy decision-making in order to identify the most significant actors and influences on different types of security policies. The course looks at the different stages of the ‘policy cycle’ (e.g. agenda-setting, implementation and evaluation), the determinants of security policy (e.g. public opinion, political parties, technology) as well as central themes in the study and implementation of security policy. The second part of the module will explore key issues in security policy analysis. It will compare and contrast the security policies of different countries and discuss variations in the security policy outlook of small, middle and great powers. Also, it will look into some of the most pressing topics on the current security policy agenda in different issue areas, such as military interventions, the fight against terrorism or the security implications of globalisation and the protection of human rights. In discussing these topics, particular emphasis will be placed on theory- guided analysis. While the module has a regional focus on the foreign policies of selected European countries, it will also cover issues related to the foreign policies of the US and the rising powers.


  • Id meeting: 991 1439 8752

  • Password: 807132

Monika Gabriela Bartoszewicz

has graduated with MA in International Relations from the University of Lodz (Poland) and MLitt in International Security Studies from St Andrews University (UK). Also in St. Andrews, she has completed her PhD and her doctoral thesis on Controversies of Conversions: Exploring the Potential Terrorist Threat of European Converts to Islam (2013) explored the questions of identity and belonging considered from a security perspective, with the particular focus given to the potential terrorist threat posed by European converts to Islam.

She has carried out interdisciplinary research in Scotland, England, The Netherlands, Denmark, Kosovo and Poland. In 2005 Dr Bartoszewicz was awarded a scholarship at the Centre for Transatlantic Studies in Maastricht, the Netherlands. In 2007 she was a research intern at the Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence and in 2009 her work was recognized with the Russell Trust Award.  Dr Bartoszewicz was also a research assistant for the European Survey of Youth Mobilisation, an international research project looking at youth radicalisation in Europe. In 2011 Dr Bartoszewicz carried out independent research for Scottish Prison Services on the radicalisation of European converts to Islam and took part in British Council’s Our Shared Europe project. From 2011 to 2013 she was appointed as the E.MA Fellow specialising in International Relations in the European Inter-University Centre in Venice (Italy). From 2015 to 2016 she was a vising lecturer at the Jagiellonian University (Cracow, Poland); from 2015 to 2017 she was an assistant professor at Vistula Vistula University in Warsaw (Poland), and between 2018 and 2022, she had a full-time research and teaching position at Masaryk University in Brno (Czech Republic).

Dr Bartoszewicz also serves as a European Commission expert, rapporteur and evaluator, expert of the Polish, Czech and Latvian institutions, and reviewer. She is also an associate member of the Centre for Security Research (CeSeR) in Edinburgh and a member of the British International Studies Association.
