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Job Interview Skills Training. Last chance to join!

March 12 from 10 to 14 you will have opportunity to master your interviewing skills with this comprehensive ourse.

Learn/excercise how to prepare appropriate CV and cover letter, learn what to do before your interview is scheduled, specific interviewing techniques such as mirroring and body language. During the course you will have the opportunity to practice the most common interview questions and discuss what the best asnwers are. Whether you are completely new to the job market, re-entering the workforce or looking to advance your career, this course will empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be the best during your next interview.

Prework: prepare and bring your the latest CV and Resume

Justyna Markusik: Expert HRM / Talent Management / Trainer / Academic lecturer. Justyna has over 14 years of experience in human resources management and talent development, including over 10 years as coordinator for training in Poland and later Talent Develoment Manager in the UK branch of a global engineering corporation on the FORTUNE500 list. Currently, she supports the Quality Center of the University of Dabrowa Gornicza in the implementation of projects aimed at improving the quality of education and obtaining international accreditations by WSB. Specializes in comprehensive coordination of development policy in organizations, in particular in the implementation of local and international training programs, performance management, evaluation of the above-mentioned processes, conducting workshops / training on soft skills and the broadly understood subject of HRM. 

The number of places is limited so If you are interested in, write your name, field of study and telephone number. We send you back information with more details about this training. Email for recruitment: bbebnik@wsb.edu.pl