Main guests of Regional Meeting will be:
- The University of Dąbrowa Górnicza (Poland),
- Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry Žilina (Slovakia),
- Innoskart ICT Cluster (Hungary),
- Impact Hub (Czech Republic),
- MSIC: Moravian-Silesian Innovation Center (Czech Republic),
- CPI: Innovation Support Centre (Czech Republic),
- BusinessCon (Czech Republic).
Please register till 15th March 2018 by sending a mail to
Participation in Regional Meeting is free of charge. The number of participants is limited.
V4 Partners will present national institutions that are interested in international cooperation with Czech Start-ups, SMEs, NGOs, Local authorities and other organizations.
Participants will gain knowledge about possible opportunities of international cooperation like: Visegrad Fund, Horizon 2020, Interreg Central Europe, Cross border Programs like: INTERREG V-A PL-SK, INTERREG V-A SK-HU.
During meeting Map of V4 common Smart Specializations and Database for V4 cooperation will be presented.