

Invitation for Polish Regional Meeting - 15th May 2018, Dąbrowa Górnicza

The main aim of meeting is encouraging international (V4) cooperation, networking with local start-ups, SMEs and support organizations. Meeting will focus on ICT field.

Main guests of Regional Meeting will be:

  • Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Słowacja),
  • Innoskart ICT Cluster (Węgry),
  • The Union for the Development of the Moravian Silesian Region (Czechy).

Please register till 14th May 2018 by sending a mail to

Participation in Regional Meeting is free of charge. The number of participants is limited.
V4 Partners will present national institutions that are interested in international cooperation withHungarian Start-ups, SMEs, NGOs, Local authorities and other organizations.

Participants will gain knowledge about possible opportunities of international cooperation like: Visegrad Fund, Horizon 2020, Interreg Central Europe, Cross border Programs like: INTERREG V-A PL-SK, INTERREG V-A SK-HU.

During meeting Map of V4 common Smart Specializations and Database for V4 cooperation will be presented.