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Warsztat badacza z prof. Rafael Robina Ramírez

W dniach 13-14 czerwca 2022 r. w Sali Senatu Akademii WSB odbył się warsztat z prof. Rafael Robina Ramírez, Universidad de Extremadura, Hiszpania.

Przeprowadzony został warsztat badacza pt. Writing a successfull MSCA project proposal. Warsztat zogrnizowany został dla pracowników naukowych Akademii WSB.

Dodatkowo prof. Rafael Robina Ramírez odbył także spotkanie z naukowcami, w ramach którego omówione zostały możliwości dalszej współpracy międzyinstytucjonalnej pomiędzy Akademią WSB a Universidad de Extremadura.


Rafael Robina Ramírez, Universidad de Extremadur, Spain

Associate Professor at University of Extremadura (Spain). He is currently teaching Management in Business and Sociology Department. Along his career, he has written 50 international papers and 10 books about “business and environmental ethics” and sustainable educational and human development in companies, mainly in the touristic sector. They have been published by Elsevier, Francis and Taylor, Wiley, Emerald, REIS, MDPI, Frontiers in Psychology, IEEE Access, etc.

He is currently the coordinator of the research group “DELSOS” (Sustainable Territorial Development-https://secti-idi.juntaex.es/SECTI/cvn/listaInvestigadores.jsf?origen=escritorio) leading several European, national and regional projects about changes behaviors in the areas of tourism and business ethics. Among them is the European project ‘“Ecodry – Sharing Best Agroecological Practice for Resilient Production Systems and water management in Dryland and Drought Conditions”’ (Grant agreement ID: 612686, Overall budget 567.300€- https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/612686/reporting). He has coordinated the Spanish team between 2014 and 2017.

Since 2014, he is also leading an Innovation and Teaching Project “GEEYM” (teaching business ethics in tourism programs- https://www.unex.es/organizacion/servicios-universitarios/servicios/sofd/areas/ie). The project´s main aims to teach Business ethics through cross-sectional methodologies based on empirical cases drawn from real cases shown in judicial sentences.
