

Presentation of the objectives and outputs of the ProSPeReS project during a workshop of the twin project SHRINEs

On June 6-7, 2023, a workshop took place in Nice. It was organized within the framework of the SHRINE project - “Raising AwareneSs for protection of places of worsHip by pRomoting interfaith dIalogue on the use of advanced tEchnologies”. SHRINEs aims to enhance and promote the security of places of worship, creating a multidisciplinary network, building synergies and raising awareness on the use of innovative technologies against security threats. 

The University of Lodz (Consortium Leader) was represented by Prof. Adrian Siadkowski.  Apart from moderating the session on hate crimes as threats to religious sites, Prof. Siadkowski also presented the mission, vision, goals and products of the “ProSPeReS - Protection System for large gatherings of People in Religious Sites” project. This presentation was given during the panel “Introduction of SHRINEs twin projects.”


The thematic sessions also included speeches given by representatives of Prosperes project consortium partners: Weronika Majewska (Jewish Community of Warsaw) and Alan Wasowski (Archdiocese of Lodz).