

Workshops in Warsaw - 10-12.03.2022

On 10, 11 and 12 March 2022 a workshop was held in Warsaw within the PROSPERES project

Workshops in Warsaw - 10-12.03.2022

On 10, 11 and 12 March 2022 a workshop was held in Warsaw within the PROSPERES project. WSB University's team involved in the project - Prof. Adrian Siadkowski, Karol Kujawa PhD and Łukasz Szymankiewicz, PhDactiviely participated in the workshops in Warsaw during which the theoretical parts were presented. During the event the participants conducted field exercises on the hypothetical scenarios and the part including onsite physical visits of the religious places in Warsaw. They visited and evaluated how religious sites could be secured. For this purpose, they went to the Nożyk Synagogue. In working groups, they developed a system which could help to secure religious sites. Based on these recommendations, in the future it may be used by representatives of religious groups in order to protect their followers and their facilities.