
Early registration should be open until February 17, 2019.
However, late registration will be possible as well.
The registration deadline is April 30, 2019.
Registration forms should be sent to the following address (conference registration).   

Registration fees: Early Registration – 280,00 €; Late Registration – 350,00 €; Student  – 200,00 €.
Polish participants can pay in zlotys:  Early Registration – 1200,00 zł; Late Registration – 1500,00 zł; Student  – 860 zł. 

Publication costs and accommodation costs are not included in the congress fee.


The payment should be made by April 30, 2019 to the bank account: 

in euro

Akademia WSB w Dabrowie Gorniczej / WSB University in Dabrowa Gornicza 

ING Bank Śląski S.A.; 40-086 KATOWICE UL.SOKOLSKA 34; Poland
IBAN / account number: PL 05 1050 1227 1000 0023 3028 9576  

in zloty
Akademia WSB w Dąbrowie Górniczej 
IBAN / account number: 64 1050 1272 1000 0008 0063 3554  

Transfer name: „Congress 2019” + the name of the participant
The participants should send the payment confirmation to the congress email: