The University of Dąbrowa Górnicza (Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Dąbrowie Górniczej)
The University in Dabrowa Górnicza was established 22 years ago and now it is one of 5 top non-public universities in Poland. The University of Dąbrowa Górnicza (UDG) has been running I and II cycle education, PhD seminar, post graduate studies and other forms of non-formal education (business training). Center of Technologies Transfer, Center of Business Engineering, Center of Economic Cooperation and Center of Modern Methods and Education Technology function at the University. The University employs 900 people, at present it educates 8000 students. In the framework of various forms of non-formal training, it educates 4000 people.
The University in Dabrowa Górnicza is also running The Zagłębie Bussiness Incubator which is a school of business for startups. Incubator staff developed training programs in a fields of "Lean StartUp and MVP", "Creation of business model for start-ups" etc. We also ran a project named: "The Academy of Young Entrepreneurship Leaders". The aim of the project was to promote entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship among 300 young people from Silesia Province. During that project we have also promoted manufacturing, business plans, incubators of entrepreneurship and business accelerators.

INNOSKART Business Development Nonprofit Ltd.
Innoskart ICT Cluster is an organized innovative network of cluster members consisting of regional SMEs, three universities, one nonprofit research institution and a knowledge centre.
The cluster began its activity on the 20th of July 2006 with a focus on the support of ICT SMEs’ high added value, export-oriented and innovative networking activities. Furthermore, through the fostering of specialization and cooperation the expansion of partnership between enterprises, research institutions, universities and also bridging organizations, local governments.
Innoskart ICT Cluster, as a qualified innovation cluster with its high value-added innovation cooperation granted to its members, is a proactive player in the domestic and international collaborations between clusters.
Overall strategic objectives:
- High value-added innovative product development activities in domestic and international markets, by encouraging inter-sectoral co-operation
- Joint development of distribution channels for the realization of products in domestic and international markets
- Increasing the incomings of sales in domestic and international markets by the efficient use of Cluster Marketing Tools

Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI)
Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI) is a public body supporting the development and expansion of Slovak enterprises, in particular SMEs, within a local, national, European and global dimension, particularly by means of influencing the formation of the business environment. The main role of the Chamber in Slovakia is to promote favourable conditions and environment development for Slovak businesses. This is achieved by cooperating with state authorities, industry unions and associations.
The regional structure of SCCI with 8 well functioning Regional offices allows a permanent and close cooperation with cities, regional governments and professional associations and provides a strong capacity to influence local and regional policies. SCCI activities are carried out in close cooperation with the Regional Governments in Bratislava, Trnava, Nitra, Zilina, Trencin, Banska Bystrica, Kosice and Presov.
It provides activities such as organization of trade missions abroad and incoming missions and it advises Slovak companies looking for foreign business partners or interested in foreign trade regulations. SCCI also cooperates with regional authorities, universities, enterprises and technology parks in Slovakia. The effective forms of services is organisation of seminars, advice, exchange of experience and information.
The Zilina Regional Chamber of SCCI represents and coordinates the interest of its members in matters of business activity inland and abroad, renders services and protect them from unfair business relations.

The Union for the Development of the Moravian Silesian Region
This association consists of 130 members (including Startups, and SME’s). Theirs main mission is to promote economic and infrastructural development, environmental protection, education and human resources in Moravian Silesian region. The benefits from the their involvement: experience in promotion of regional development and international cooperation (3 projects: Project Nos. 2014 2002I VF, 11088 2006 IVF, 2CE152P2), access to wide group of potential stakeholders of V4 smart specializations database.