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Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest Akademia WSB. Więcej informacji znajdziesz TUTAJ

Only now: until March 15, 2025 promotional price 30 000 PLN 27 500 PLN

Attention! Possibility of obtaining up to 100% funding for MBA and postgraduate studies under the National Training Fund!

Want more information – fill out the application form CLICK HERE

    • completion of the Executive MBA program allows you to apply to be appointed to the supervisory boards of companies with the participation of the state treasury in accordance with the Act on the Principles of State Property Management, without having to pass the state examination!

    • 1st place in the Perspektywy 2024 MBA Ranking in the category QUALITY OF THE FACULTY (participation of lecturers - practitioners with business experience, people with the highest qualifications among the teaching staff, experience of the program director, availability of staff for students),

    • program partner: EY,
    • the opportunity to participate in the PRISM Brain Mapping study and obtain a personalized report on mental toughness. PRISM is a neuroscience-based tool designed to identify behavioral preferences directly related to interpersonal relationships and performance at work.
    • postgraduate modules based on specific needs of managerial practice carried out by eminent specialists, practitioners from Poland and abroad,
    • a sustainable project management module led by GPM Global (Green Project Management Global) specialists,
    • know-how in the form of practical implementation tools supporting the development of the company Artificial Intelligence, ISO 9001 Standards, GSSI, HRIS and Analytics,
    • possible certification in the field of project and process management Green Belt - Lean Six Sigma and Black Belt - Lean Six Sigma,
    • possible international certification in the field of sustainable project management: Green Project Management at the level of GPM-b™,
    • all subjects are taught in English,
    • program graduates can join the MBA CLUB (additional courses, training, lectures, conferences; cultural, integration, sports, hobby, and practical networking events),
    • a quality management module, which includes the latest technologies used in Six Sigma, Lean and Kaizen;  possible  international certification in the field of sales and marketing - Professional and Certified Corporate Sales Professional,
    • study visit to a company with an international reputation