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Interdisciplinary research work of students and doctoral candidates II edition of the competition

We cordially invite students and graduates of the 1st and 2nd cycle studies, as well as doctoral candidates of WSB University to submit their scientific articles for publication in an interdisciplinary collective work.

We invite everyone who is familiar with the topics in the fields of Management, Economics, National Security, Pedagogy, Health Sciences, IT, Logistics, Transport and Production Engineering to participate in the publishing project.

The article should be of a scientific nature and include a novelty aspect. The article is to be written in Polish or English. All articles that pass the review process will be published as a chapter in a scientific monograph (Interdisciplinary Scientific Student Works), the publication of which is planned for 2022 by the WSB University Publishing House (which is included on the Ministry of Education and Sciences list of Publishing Houses publishing peer-reviewed scientific monographs).

Three prizes worth PLN 1,000 each will be awarded to the authors of works with the highest ratings from reviewers. In addition to their scientific values, scientific publications may be a factor in applying for research scholarships.

Application form, author's statement, editorial requirements and a form facilitating the correct preparation of the text are attached to the Competition Regulations.

We kindly ask you to read this document.

You can be supported in the preparation of the article by Mentors (you will find the list of the persons in the annex no 6 to the Regulations).

If you arrange as a Mentor a person other than those mentioned above (for example, thesis advisor or workplace supervisor), please also enter the name of this person in the application form (annex no 1 to the Regulations).

Competition schedule:

  • 27.09.2021- application for participation in the competition and selection of a Mentor (annex no. 1 and 2 to the Regulations) deadline postponed until 04.10.2021 r.
  • 15.12.2021- submission of finished articles (together with annex no. 3 to the Regulations)
  • 30.01.2022- announcement of competition results
  • 30.03.2022- planned publication date

All documents should be sent in an electronic form (DOC and PDF files) to the following address: wydawnictwo@wsb.edu.pl

For detailed information contact:

Agata Błasiak: ablasiak@wsb.edu.pl
Joanna Dróżdż: jdrozdz@wsb.edu.pl,

We kindly invite you to participate in the competition and send your articles.