

Plenary session of the Prospers project consortium and networking meeting with diplomatic corps and representatives of religious organisations in Nicosia, Cyprus

Ilustracja aktualności: Plenary session of the Prospers project consortium and networking meeting with diplomatic corps and representatives of religious organisations in Nicosia, Cyprus

On 29-30 November 2022, the Prosperes project consortium partners met in Nicosia, Cyprus for a plenary session combined with a networking meeting with stakeholders in the form of a panel discussion entitled 'Protecting religious sites from terrorist attacks'. The events were organised by CARDET - Center for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology and the Prosperes Leader, University of Lodz.

The networking event, which provided an opportunity to exchange views and experiences and establish bilateral contacts, was attended by, among others, the Finnish Ambassador to Cyprus, the Head of the Political and Economic Affairs Office of the Polish Embassy in Cyprus and the representatives of:

  • Cyprus Armenias,
  • Embassy of Switzerland, 
  • Embassy of Israel Nicosia,
  • Embassy of Greece,
  • Office of the Embassy of Hungary in Athens, Nicosia,
  • Office | Cyprus Jewish Community Centre,
  • Embassy of France,
  • Religious Track of the Cyprus Peace Process,
  • Norwegian Consulate,
  • Anglican Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf,
  • Cyprus Police,
  • House of the Cyprus Latin,
  • Holy Land in Cyprus,
  • High Commission of India,
  • Embassy of the State of Qatar,
  • Researches / Academics.

The networking meeting was also an opportunity to present the monograph published as part of the project by WSB University Publishing House. The monograph was created by Prof. Adrian Siadkowski, Dr. Łukasz Szymankiewicz, Dr. Karol Kujawa and MA.inż. arch. Szymon Bańka and is entitled Security by Design for Religious Sites.

We encourage everyone to watch the presentation video and to download the guide.

Download the guide:

Okładka przewodnika dotyczącego bezpieczeństwa dla miejsc religijnych, z ikonami symbolizującymi ochronę i różnorodność wyznań.