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Thematic fields

"A WORLD ON A TRAJECTORY OF SUFFERING" - Axiological, social, mental problems, deficits and omissions resulting from the SarsCov2 Pandemic. Diagnosis, therapy and support.

40th anniversary of academic work of Mirosława Nowak-Dziemianowicz PhD. Prof.Tit.

International scientific conference organized by
The Department of Education at the WSB University in Dąbrowa Górnicza,
Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Hradec Králové,
The Department of Educationo at the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica,
October 14-15, 2021, Dąbrowa Górnicza

Ladies and gentlemen,

the critical event of the global SarsCov2 epidemic affects us all, it has a global dimension and does not spare anyone. So we are dealing with an unprecedented event. Never before has all of humanity found itself, regardless of its place of residence (country, continent), age, status, social position, in a similar health and life situation as it is today. In this unprecedented situation of the pandemic related to SarsCov2, which placed a huge number of people on the trajectory of suffering (Riemann and Schütze used this term to describe a situation that is unexpected for us, destroying the existing structures and the normative order in which we lived), it is worth looking at many the dimensions of problems, deficits and omissions in various social groups, environments and institutions. As part of the scientific discourse, exchange of experiences, analysis of the presented research results, which will become the subject of the planned conference, we will try to get answers to such questions as:

How does the pandemic affect the values we hold so far, to what extent does it question, problematize or undermine them?

How is the pandemic changing our social relationships?

What fears and tensions are generated by interrupted and mediated relationships, which become a specific norm in a pandemic?

What mental resources do we - individuals, groups, communities - refer to in the event of a pandemic threat?

What are our deficits in this respect, what and who do we need, what and who are we missing in this situation?

How do social and state institutions, non-profit organizations behave, and how does civil society operate in this critical situation?

In each of these areas, we need DIAGNOSIS, THERAPY and SUPPORT today. We are looking for an answer to the question: What is it, what can and must be done and what actions have we, our communities, our institutions and social groups taken in response to the problems related to the pandemic?