Conference program


Live streaming available at:

8:30 Reception

9:00 Opening ceremony  

dr hab. Katarzyna Szczepańska-Woszczyna, assoc. prof. WSB University, Poland

Deputy Rector for Science and Education

Dean of Faculty of Applied Sciences


dr hab. Joanna Kurowska-Pysz, assoc. prof. WSB University, Poland

Director of Research Institute on Territorial and Inter-Organizational Cooperation


9:20 I Plenary session – keynote speakers presentations

prof.  Eduardo Medeiros, ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute, Portugal  (online)

European Territorial Cooperation and European Territorial Integration                

prof. James Scott,  University of Eastern Finland, Finland  (online)

Territorial Governance and Multilevel Borders of European Cohesion

prof. Alexandros Apostolakis,  Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece  (online)

The Emergence of Smart Tourism as the Way Forward for Sustainable Tourism Development

Moderator: prof.  Martin Klatt, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark  

11:00 Coffee break

11:15 II Plenary session  – keynote speakers presentations

prof.  Jacinto Garrido Velarde , University of Extremadura, Spain (online)

Management of the Territory and Environmental Sustainability: The landscape and construction set from an integrative perspective   

prof. Marina Andeva,  University American College Skopje, North Macedonia (online) 

Minorities protection in border regions: to what extent are minorities involved in cross-border cooperation initiatives?

prof. Dangis Gudelis,  Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania  (online)

Lessons and Opportunities of Collaboration between Polish and Lithuanian Municipalities

Moderator: prof.  Martin Klatt, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark 

13:00  Lunch                          
14:00 1st Roundtable debate

Cross-border projects as drivers for the territorial cooperation development

Introduction: prof. Wojciech Opioła, Opole University, Poland – introduction

Moderator:  prof. Hynek Böhm, Technical University of Liberec, Czechia 

Panelists :

  1. Hana Stverkova, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czechia
  2. Gyula Ocskay, Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives, Budapest, Hungary (online)
  3. Katarzyna Tobór – Osadnik, Silesian University of Technology, Poland
  4. Adam Pawliczek, Prague University of Economics and Business, Czechia
  5. Ameir Omar, Moravian Business College Olomouc, Czechia
  6. Rodica Crudu, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Moldova (online)
  7. Bohumil Horak, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czechia
  8. Gabriela Carmen Pascariu, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași, Romania (online)

15:30 Departure for the trip to the Polish-Czech-Slovak border point in Istebna and sightseeing the borderland heritage,

including the dinner at a regional restaurant   

21:00 Departure to the hotel 


Live streaming available at:

10:00 Reception

10:30 2nd Roundtable debate

Inter-organizational cooperation  – the innovative forms and their benefits

Introduction: dr Francesco Cappellano, University of Eastern Finland, Finland  (online)

Moderator: prof. Kostadin Kolarov, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria


  1. Slawomir Olko, Silesian University of Technology, Poland (online)
  2. Sebastian Kot, Czestochowa UT, Poland
  3. Anne Hoffmann, Euro-Institut/TEIN, Germany (online)
  4. Magdalena Stuss, Jagiellonian University, Poland
  5. Andrzej Zalewski, UTP University of Science and Technology Bydgoszcz, Poland
  6. Silviya Georgieva, University of National and World Economy, Bulgaria
  7. Andrius Puksas, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania (online)
  8. Ladislav Klement, Faculty of Economics, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia (online)
  9. Miroslava Vinczeová, Faculty of Economics, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia (online)
  10. Elena Stieranková, Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Slovakia (online)
  11. Jarmila Duháček Šebestová, Silesian University in Opava, School of Business administration in Karviná, Czechia (online)

12:00 Lunch

13:00 3rd Roundtable debate

Cross-border cooperation at internal and external EU borders  –  similarities and differences

Introduction: prof. Khrystyna Prytula, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine (online)  

Moderator: prof. Tomasz Studzieniecki, Gdynia Maritime University, Poland


  1. Martin Klatt, Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
  2. Julia Goncharova, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University in Kaliningrad, Russia (online)
  3. Aldomar Ruckert, UFRGS- Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (online)
  4. Regina Andriukaitiene, Lithuanian Sports University, Lithuania (online)
  5. Andrzej Jakubowski, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland
  6. Gabriela Antošová, University College of Business in Prague, Czechia (online)

14:30 Conference closing ceremony                       

All participants of the conference, who are present stationary in Brenna, can also attend following accompanying events:


13:30 Thematic session (in Polish): "Cultural institutions of the Polish-Czech borderland in the face of challenges and threats of the 21st century"


dr hab. Grzegorz Maciejewski, assoc. prof. University of Economics in Katowice                 


13:30 -13:50 - dr hab. Magdalena Sobocińska, assoc. prof. Wroclaw University of Economics

"Management of cultural institutions in the time of the coronavirus pandemic"        

13:50 – 14:10 - dr hab. Andrzej Kasperek, assoc. prof. University of Silesia in Katowice

"Culture as a ballast, culture as an opportunity - on the example of project activities carried out as part of the Euroregion Cieszyn Silesia"          

14:10 – 14:30 - dr Łukasz Wróblewski, WSB University

“Shaping relations on the Polish-Czech cross-border cultural services market of the city divided by the border: Cieszyn-Czech Cieszyn”  

14:30 – 14:50 - Discussion

14:50 – 15:00 dr Łukasz Wróblewski, WSB University

„Cieszyn Silesia in the light of the challenges and threats of the 21st century” – presentation of volume VII of the TRANSCARPATHICA series              


10:00  Thematic  session (in Polish):  INTERREG  Programme Czechia – Poland: experience from the period 2014-2020 and the key assumptions for the period 2021-2027

The session is dedicated to the INTERREG Programme beneficiaries and applicants mainly from Polish-Czech and Polish-Slovak borderland: euro-regions, self-governments, NGOs, public institutions, universities, schools and media using the INTERREG funds in perspective 2014-2020 and planning the cross-border cooperation extension in the perspective 2020+

Special guest:

Beate Grajnert, European Commission, Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy, Belgium 


prof. Joanna Kurowska-Pysz, WSB University, Poland
prof. Hynek Böhm, Technical University of Liberec, Czechia


  1. Bogdan Kasperek, Euroregion Cieszyn Silesia
  2. Tomas Balcar,  Euroregion Cieszyn Silesia
  3. Roman Foksowicz, Deputy Mayor of Jastrzębie Zdrój
  4. Lukas Raszyk,  Deputy Mayor of Karvina
  5. Jerzy Pilch, Mayor of Brenna Commune
  6. Roman Wróbel, Mayor of Bystrzyca Commune    
  7. NGO Association „Człowiek na granicy” – Petra Rypieniova - Slovackova 
  8. Hynek Bohm, EuroSchola Institute trinec

Live streaming from the headquarter of the Olza Association for Regional Development and Cooperation in Cieszyn, adress: Rynek 18, 43-400 Cieszyn, in Polish / Czech language

Live streaming available at: Těšínské-Slezsko-Śląsk-Cieszyński-238163636245823/.

15:15 The scientific panel for Ph.D. students – the research presentations  – part 1


prof. dr hab. Marek Lisiński, WSB University, Poland  (in Polish)


prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Makieła, Jagiellonian University

dr Łukasz Wróblewski, WSB University

dr hab. Katarzyna Tobór-Osadnik, assoc. prof. Silesian University of Technology

dr hab. Joanna Kurowska-Pysz, assoc. prof., WSB University


Ewa Cofur-Machura

Łucja Chrzęstek-Bar 

Bartosz Jeżyna 

Sebastian Kwaśniewski 

Janusz Pierzyna 

17:15 The scientific panel for Ph.D. students – the research presentations – part 2


prof. dr hab. Marek Lisiński, WSB University, Poland  (in Polish)


prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Makieła, Jagiellonian University

dr Łukasz Wróblewski, WSB University

dr Magdalena Stuss, Jagiellonian University

dr Tomasz Studzieniecki, Gdynia Maritime University


Monika Raczyńska

Lubomira Trojan, Ewa Szkudlarek

Arkadiusz Trela 

Ewelina Widerska 

18:30 Presentation of the project "KNOWLEDGE - SKILLS - COMPETENCES. An innovative model of acceleration of cross-sector cooperation for the development of the Polish capital market", co-financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland under the DIALOG programme. (in Polish)


Anna Salamończyk-Mochel, project coordinator, GPW Foundation

Magdalena Stusińska, project expert, GPW Foundation

Arkadiusz Szymanek, project expert, GPW Foundation

Dinner for the participants of the session