Conference calendar

  • 10.03.2016  – deadline for reporting the conference participation and papers proposition submission
  • 12.03.2016 – deadline for sending information concerning the sent papers approval
  • 29.04.2016 – deadline for sending full papers via e-mail
  • 20.04.2016 – deadline for conference payment

 Application form clic

  • 45 EUR – participation in the conference without publication of scientific paper ( cost includes participation in the conference, conference materials, coffee break, catering)
  • 85 EUR – publication of a scientific paper without participation in the conference
  • 120 EUR – participation in the conference with publication of scientific paper ( cost includes participation in the conference, conference materials, publication in a reviewed scientific journal, coffee break, catering) 

Participation costs:

Conference fees should be paid into the following bank account:
ING Bank Śląski S.A.
IBAN: PL 05 1050 1227 1000 0023 3028 9576
note: „INNOVATION 2014"

Payment includes: conference participation, conference handouts, publication, coffee break, catering
Costs do not include accommodation;