Requirements concerning the composition and the structure of papers


1. Size: max 12 pages A4 (20 000 characters with space)
2. Margins: 2,5 cm
3. Fonts:
      1. Author’s / co-author’s name, Affiliation: Times New Roman 14 points.
      2. Title: Times New Roman 14 points. bold
      3. Titles and subtitles: Times New Roman 12 points. bold
      4. Body of the paper:  Times New Roman 12 points.
      5. Tables: Times New Roman 10 points.
4. Space: 1,5
5. Aligning:

1 Author’s / co-author’s name, Title – centred
2. Titles and subtitles: left-aligned
3. Body of the paper: justified
4. Spacing:
     1. Author’s / co-author’s name, Title, Titles and subtitles: 12 points before.
      2. Body of the paper: 6 points. before
      3. Table: 0 points.
      4. Footnotes are placed after the main text as endnotes and shouldn't contain references to other publications
      5. Tables: black and white, with no shading, placed vertically, published in the text, number, and title of the above explanations and the source below;
      6. Figures: black and white, placed vertically, published in the text, number, title and the source below; when moving to the next page - number, title and table header are repeated
6. Indent: body of the paper – special protrusion “first line” 1,25 cm
7. Notes: [Author’s name, year of publishing, s. page(s) number] - e.g. [Kowalski, 2005, s. 7]

11. References: reference list should contain all the used sources in alphabetical order (max 25); e.g.:

[1] CZAKON W., Strukturalne uwarunkowania zarządzania wiedzą w sieciach, "Przegląd Organizacji" 2012, No 5.
[2] GŁODZIŃSKI E., Pozyskiwanie informacji w fazie realizacji procesów budowlanych, in: BOROWIECKI R., CZEKAJ J. (red.), Zarządzanie zasobami informacyjnymi w warunkach nowej gospodarki, Difin, Warszawa 2010.
[3] NOGALSKI B., RONKOWSKI R., Współczesne przedsiębiorstwo - problemy funkcjonowania i zatrudniania, Wyd. DOM Organizatora, Toruń 2007.
[4] WARD S.C., Assesing and Managing Important Risk, "International Journal of Project Management" 1999, Vol. 17, No. 6.
[5] WINCH G.M., MAYTORENA E., Managing Risk and Uncertanity on Projects: A Cognitive Approach, w: MORRIS P.W.G., PINTO J.K., SODERLUND J. (red.), Tje Oxford Handbook of Project Management, Oxford University Press, 2012.
[6] Rachunki kwartalne Produktu Krajowego Brutto - zasady metodologiczne,, data dostępu 15.07.2013 r.


  1. Name and surname of the author and co-author (if any)
  2. Affiliation
  3. Contact address (address, E-mail address, telephone number)
  4. Title
  5. Abstract (up to 6 lines)
  6. Key words (up to 5, in alphabetical order)
  7. Introduction
  8. Sections and subsections (not numbered)
  9. Summary (conclusions, findings and limitations)